Edenberry Farm is committed to the safety of our guests and the foods we produce. We have completed food handling and preparation training as well as produce safety training as required by the Food Safety Modernization Act. In addition, we are CCOF organic certified and are required under this certification to monitor for and manage possible food contamination sources.
All on farm produced products, including jams, jellies, preserves, food items and fruit vinegars are produced under permit by the Lake County Department of Health.
As part of our farm and food safety plan, we require all guests entering our property for u-pick to comply with certain rules. These include:
- No pets are allowed in the u-pick area
- No smoking is allowed
- No outside containers are allowed (we will provide you with plenty of containers and nifty boxes!)
- You must wash your hands at our washing station before entering the picking areas
- Do not enter areas marked as out of bounds (these are areas with irrigation pipes, bee hives, new farm construction areas, vegetable and tree areas, etc.)
- Remain in the 5 acre u-pick area, which is demarcated by fencing
- Touch only what you intend on picking, for your basket or your belly. We do encourage sampling!